Saturday, September 27, 2014

Ch. 3 - Ethics & Social Responsibility

The M·A·C cosmetics company is a company that is focused and aware of worldwide affairs. Being an ethical, and socially responsible company shows people that you're conscious toward cultural, social, economic and environmental issues; the M·A·C cosmetics company fits this description.

M·A·C cosmetics company is running a massive humanitarian effort in the fight against HIV/AIDS with their M·A·C Viva Glam product line. Every single cent spent on any Viva Glam product is sent to those who are affected by HIV and AIDS whether you're a man, woman, or child. 
They focus especially on those countries and communities who are neglected, off the radar, and at the highest risk. 

"Responsive, agile and alert, MAF (M·A·C aids foundation) funds innovative programs that deal directly with the most marginalized, stigmatized and under-heard victims. MAF celebrates humanity, life, creativity and individuality. Making a difference, one VIVA GLAM lipstick at a time." . 

The  M·A·C cosmetics company is very ambitious, they strive for social responsibility.
 M·A·C's ethics are all positively focused with improving the world in different ways. The M·A·C company respects their employees and customers as individuals, they do not discriminate. They see things from their own perspective and focus on what their customers need. This is important to M·A·C ; you want your customers to feel comfortable enough so that they feel good about themselves, and they'll always come back. The makeup artists cosmetics company is risk taking and it is passionate about it's customers.

Most recent M·A·C Viva Glam Collab with Rihanna

Back To M·A·C

 M·A·C supports the environment by offering a recycle program named "Back to M·A·C". The idea of this program is to get people to return six of their empty M·A·C product packaging, and in return they get a free product of their choice. 
Who doesn't enjoy receiving something for free?
 Customers are bound to recycle all of their M·A·C packaging at any rate to receive their freebie, which as a result helps the environment little by little. A program like this is beneficial for the Earth. It's also beneficial for M·A·C because it demonstrates that they care, and this attracts more people who will further develop this company and expand it even wider.

Six empty Cosmetic Packaging

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