Sunday, October 19, 2014

Ch. 6 - Consumer Decision Making

                                       Consumer Decision Making

Consumer behavior is the process a consumer uses to determine whether their going to buy something or not. Consumer behavior also includes factors that influence purchase decisions and product use.
When someone is buying M∙A∙C Cosmetics products, they will buy it through the use of a five step process; this is the consumer decision making process.
When you first buy a product it's through need recognition. Need recognition is what triggers us as consumers through internal or external stimulus, to buy something we want, or need in order to fulfill our want or need. When buying M∙A∙C products, the external stimulus is what consumers are exposed to, these are influences from outside sources.
When I (the consumer) purchased my first mac product, it was through the influence of the internet (external stimulus), seeing other women wearing certain lipsticks, made me want to buy them. One of my friends' even recommended buying certain lipsticks because of the rich color. You can even go to a M∙A∙C store located near you, and try out or swatch the actual products yourself.
After establishing what you want, or need, you may want to do a bit of research. If you've purchased from a M∙A∙C store before, and were satisfied, you're likely to choose this product you want or need.
You may also want to research other people's experience with the product, whether it's from online reviews, or from someone you know. M∙A∙C cosmetics is a known cosmetics company; especially through their motto "All ages, all races, all sexes", their quality and price, and associations with celebrities that attract their target market. This is a beneficial for M∙A∙C when a consumer is looking for alternatives. Post- purchase in my experience have been satisfying while the purchase was successful, and worth the money. M∙A∙C has a variety of cosmetics; along with new limited time only collections that attract old and new consumers time and time again.

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